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Configure the backend

Now that your project and cluster are created, you can access the various properties from your Atlas instance. You can now access the connection string, and even configure your backend service to use that connection string.

Get the connection string

You can see the connection strings for your newly created cluster by using the following command.

kubectl get secret mern-k8s-cluster0-mernk8s -o json | jq -r '.data | with_entries(.value |= @base64d)'

Update the backend deployment

Now that you can find your connection string from within Kubernetes, you can use that as part of your deployment to specify the connection string to your backend.

In your /back/deployment.yaml file, change the env section of the containers template to the following.

- name: PORT
value: "5000"
- name: "CONN_STR"
name: mern-k8s-cluster0-mernk8s
key: connectionStringStandardSrv

This will use the same connection string you've just seen in your terminal.

Apply those changes to your cluster.

kubectl apply -f ./back

If you look at your current pods:

kubectl get pods

You should see that your backend pods have been restarted. Opening the application in the browser again should now be using this newly created cluster.