📄️ What are containers?
Containers have existed since the 1970's in Unix-based operating systems. They were popularized by Docker when they released the Docker runtime in 2013. Since then, more and more developers have been using containers as part of their development process, as well as to deploy applications in a reliable way.
📄️ Containerize the backend
It's now time to create your first container. Packaging a Node.js application is one of the simplest containers you can create, so it's a good place to start.
📄️ Create a network
In order for the containers to find each other, you will need to create a Docker network. Understanding how networking work in the containers land is out of the scope of this specific workshop. However, let's see how we can get our backend to connect to the MongoDB container.
📄️ Containerize the frontend
The backend is now running inside its own container. It's now time to build a container for the frontend.
📄️ Package with Docker Compose (optional)
While using docker-compose is not required for this workshop, it's interesting to see how a Docker Compose setup could be used to share this application. As this is not the focus of this workshop, here is the yaml file to run it, and the associated commands.