📄️ Intro
We now have a fully functional backend, and it's time to connect it to the frontend.
📄️ React states
In React, we can store data in a component's state. The state is an object that contains the data we want to store. We can access the state using the useState hook.
📄️ React useEffect
In order to run side effects on components, React provides a hook called useEffect. This hook is called after every render of the component. It can be used to run side effects like fetching data from an API or updating the document title.
📄️ Get working
Time to get that last piece in place. You have a fully functional API, let's connect the front-end to it.
📄️ Solution
Well that was a long of content in a day! I hope you were able to get that last part running. If not, here's the solution.